EN471 - High Visibility
Garment types are grouped into three classes based
On the conspicuity provided. With the classes dictating the minimum quantities of background
And retro reflective materials to be used
CLASS1.Lowest Protection Level
Where advanced visibility is an advantage, but for minimal risk/off road
Purposes only Bands of retro reflective material shall not be less than 50mm wide. Minimum background material 0.14m2, Minimum retro reflective material 0.10m2
CLASS 2.Intermediate protection Level
Bands of retro reflective material shall not be less than 50mm wide.
Minimum background material 0.50m2. Minimum retro reflective materiel should be 0.13m2.
CLASS 3.Highest Protection Level
Bands of retro reflective material shall not be less than 50mm wide.
Minimum background material 0.80m2, Minimum retro reflective material 0.20m
EN343 - Protection against foul weather
This standard specifies the requirements for protective clothing against the effects of foul weather (precipitation, wind, low temperatures > -5 °C) The scope does not cover head, foot or hand protection.